
one brownie with a twist.

{ malibú fudgy brownies }

I know you haven't seen them all...

But I've seen them raising in the oven...
and I have this feeling I've been baking way too many chocolate cakes.

These brownies were made by request.

I was actually not even going to do them, because I kept postponing it and ended up being too busy with other stuff that day... but I was feeling bad for the whole afternoon, until I finally gave in and decided to go chop some chocolate.

I took the liberty of improvising a bit lot (the request was quite specific for this brownie batter), but I guess I was able to still meet the wishes of my friend ;) They travelled to a barbecue early this week and no one has seen them ever since!

Brownies Malibú Fudge

- 200g de chocolate 70% de cacau
- 120g de manteiga
- 120 ml de café frio
- 3 ovos M
- 120g de açúcar
- 50g de farinha
- uma pitada de pimenta, piri-piri e gengibre em pó
- 200g de doce de laranja com raspas
- 2 colheres de sopa de coco ralado
- 1 colher de sopa de gin

1) Derreter o chocolate com a manteiga em banho maria; deixar arrefecer,
2) Bater os ovos com o açúcar até obter uma mistura cremosa e esbranquiçada,
3) Envolver suavemente a farinha peneirada,
4) Incorporar o chocolate derretido e o café,
5) À parte, misturar bem o doce, o coco e o gin,
6) Verter a massa numa forma rectangular forrada com papel vegetal, distribuir pequenas colheradas de doce por cima e levar ao forno a 160ºC durante cerca de 15 minutos,
7) Deixar arrefecer e cortar em pequenos quadrados.

Malibú Fudgy Brownies
- 200g 70% cocoa chocolate
- 120g butter
- 120 ml cold coffee
- 3 medium eggs
- 120g sugar
- 50g flour
- pepper, chili and ginger powder
- 200g orange marmalade
- 2 shredded coconut
- 1 tbsp gin

1) Melt chocolate with butter in a pan placed over another pan with simmering water; let cool,
2) Cream eggs and sugar,
3) Carefully mix in flour,
4) Mix in melted chocolate and coffee,
5) In a bowl, mix well the marmalade, coconut and gin,
6) Pour the batter over a rectangular cake pan, lined with parchment paper; spread the jam over and bake at 160ºC for about 15 minutes,
7) Let cool and cut into small squares.


  1. Esta imagem dá cabo de nós... ai chocolate chocolate...
    Achei muito interessante o jogo de especiarias que lhes colocaste, sei que iria gostar!
    Um grande beijinho ;)

  2. Brownies são sempre bem-vindos e estes devem ser deliciosos!

  3. Hoje também fiz brownies mas de chocolate branco! :)
    Estes ficaram fantásticos :)


  4. These look great! I love the fun flavors you've mixed in!

  5. Olá Inês,
    A combinação de ingredientes é perfeita e estes brownies estão de dar água na boca!!
    Beijinhos e boa semana,

  6. Oh my god! I'm not surprised they vanished! Love the unusual ingredients. They look sensational!

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  8. I am a chocoholic and these brownies are absolute gorgeous treats! wanted one so badly now!

  9. Qué maravilla! Ideal para un chocolatero como yo! Irresistible!
