an adventure yet to be over
(uma aventura que está longe do fim)
i love macarons.
i mean... i could eat thousands of them everyday.
(french) macarons are supposed to be hard to nail.
even the French like to emphasize this.
and even the French fail.
I truly envy those who get it right the first time, especially because my first experience was nearly excelent and I ruined everything by underbaking them. it took me a while to finally get the patience and time I needed to give them another try - and the realization that my sifter was actually good enough!
this week i couldn't wait any longer.
first day: all went totally wrong. completely flat shells and a very mad Inês by the end of the day... you really don't want to see me post-failure in the kitchen.
worst part... I really love egg whites, meringue and all else... and I am usually quite good at handling them, understanding them, nuturing them... this could not be something I am not able to do!!
second day: bearing this in mind, I was decided to get back at it again the morning after, and finally got really happy with the results. I stopped watching all these videos and looking up recipes and kind of just followed my gut... they looked gorgeous and I was so happy!...
...except they were kind of hollow. :(
...except they were kind of hollow. :(
but no worries... I think I just had too much air in the batter... I'll give it another try soon and post the results. nevertheless the combination of flavours in these could not be ignored - it's perfect!
hope you have better luck than me baking them ;)
Macarons de Lady Grey com Caramelo Salgado
- 2 claras
- 5 colheres de sopa de açúcar
- 1/2 chávena de farinha de amêndoa, peneirada
- 1 chávena de açúcar em pó, peneirado
- 2 colheres de chá de chá Lady Grey
- 1 chávena de açúcar
- 3 colheres de sopa de água
- 85g de manteiga, à temperatura ambiente
- 3 colheres de sopa de leite, à temperatura
- 1 colher de chá de sal
Misturar o açúcar em pó e a amêndoa,
Bater as claras até estarem bem espumosas,
juntar metade do açúcar,
Bater novamente até estar quase em castelo
e juntar o resto, batendo bem apenas até não ter grânulos de açúcar,
Incorporar os ingredientes em pó nas claras
aos poucos, envolvendo e espalhando o creme para os lados da taça até obter uma
mistura com textura "de lava" - esta parte requer prática - que deve
escorrer um pouco mas não demasiado rápido,
Encher um saco de pasteleiro com uma ponta
redonda e fazer pequenos círculos de creme sobre um tabuleiro forrado com papel
vegetal (cerca de 3 cm, espaçados cerca de 5 cm), trabalhar rapidamente,
Bater o tabuleiro na bancada da cozinha
para libertar bolhas de ar,
Deixar repousar cerca de 20 min, até
formarem uma crosta que se sente ao toque (a massa não cola aos dedos),
Levar ao forno a 150ºC cerca de 12 minutos, ou até os macarons não cederem ao toque (não abrir o forno
nos primeiros 10 minutos),
Retirar do forno e deixar arrefecer completamente;
rechear com o caramelo salgado.
Recheio de Caramelo Salgado:
Derreter o açúcar numa panela alta sobre
lume médio com a água, mexendo a princípio para dissolver homogeneamente, até
obter uma cor âmbar e um aroma de caramelo torrado,
Juntar a manteiga e misturar
energeticamente com um fouet,
Juntar o leite e envolver também,
Verter numa taça funda, deixar arrefecer.
Pode se conservar no frigorífico.
Lady Grey Macarons with Salted Caramel
- 2 egg whites
- 5 tbsp sugar
- 1/2 cup almond meal, sifted
- 1 confectioners' sugar, sifted
- 2 tsp Lady Grey tea
- 1 cup sugar
- 3 tbsp water
- 85g butter, room temperature
- 3 tbsp milk, room temperature
- 1 tsp salt
Mix confectioners' sugar and almond,
Beat egg whites until bubbly, add half the sugar,
Beat until frothy, add remaining sugar, beating well just until sugar is completely dissolved,
Fold in the powdered ingredients, slightly deflating the mixture (but not too much!) until its lava-like - needs practice,
Fill a piping bag and draw small circles over a parchment paper lined baking tray (3 cm, 5 cm apart), work quickly,
Bang the tray on the counter so that small air bubbles are released,
Let set for about 20 min, until a slight case is formed that keeps batter from being sticky to touch,
Bake at 150ºC for about 12 minutes, or until macarons are stable to touch (do not open oven in the first 10 minutes),
Remove from oven and let cool; fill with the salted caramel.
Salted Caramel Filling:
Melt sugar over medium heat with the water, stirring at first, until it is amber coloured and has a caramel scent,
Add butter and stir vigorously,
Repeat with milk,
Pour in a deep dish and let cool. May be stored in the fridge.
Oh meu deus que delícia! *.* manda-me um por skype! :p
Nunca comi mas adoraria provar , estão com um aspecto delicioso
Que tentação! Acho que estão perfeitos e com caramelo salgado, yummy :)
ReplyDeleteAi ando com tanta vontade de experimentar a fazer macarons! Ficaram lindos estes!
Fiquei com água na boca!!!! Esta é uma receita que quero muito testar, já ficou na minha lista!!! Beijos! =)
ReplyDeleteYum!!!!! This looks LOVELY! Love macarons!
ReplyDeleteEu é que não tenho coragem para fazer uma coisa destas, que aspecto fabuloso!
ReplyDeleteEssa última foto deixou-me cheia de desejos. Eu nunca experimentei macarons porque eu fico insuportável quando tenho desastres culinários e este tipo de receitas tem tal fama que ainda não ganhei coragem :)
They look delicious! I attempted macarons once, ages ago, and they were a gummy mess. I had no idea what I was done, and nearly everything that could go wrong did. (They were still delicious, but more like delicious little puddles of goo, than actual cookies.) I've been meaning to try them again now that I'm a little more experienced with meringues, and you've inspired me. It sounds like you're very close to having them turn out just right!