
my blueberry nights

{ american-style blueberry pie }

i think i am in love.

i am in love with my new - still in the making - flat.
and with the blueberry pie that came with it.
enjoy ;)

I think I've had a blueberry-free childwood.

I really can't recall seeing anything blueberry - possibly until I visited Benelux by the time I was about sixteen and fell in love with berry handpies. Maybe we really didn't care about them in Portugal, or maybe there were none of them there at all - I still can't sort it out! We had cherries, strawberries... and sometimes raspberries - which were my favourites, for they were really rare! - yet blueberries are a quite recent trend.

Blueberry pie always takes me back to 'my blueberry nights', even though I don't quite recall the whole story. I recall Norah Jones, as I really liked her as a singer, and gorgeous Jude Law, of course. And, for me, the image of that kiss on the counter will always - but always - be linked with blueberry pie. I recall I couldn't quite relate with the film's troublesome love story at the time. Speaking of which... I guess the time has come to watch it again.

Despite the unsettling love story, there was one thing that I found really upsetting in the film: the fact that no one ate the blueberry pie! How come!?... how I wish I had some!! Blueberry pie has always been one of my favourites! Yet looking back now, I haven't had that many of them either... But c'mon, I know why I haven't been baking more of these: blueberries are rare and delicious - and I seem to never be able to save enough of them for pie! Jude Law's pie was already there, waiting for anyone to pick it up.

I don't get that coffeeshop's costumers.

aqui fica a receita para uma
tarte de mirtilho que derrete corações.
e juntem chantilly ou uma bola de gelado de baunilha se se atreverem!

para uma tarteira rectangular

300g de farinha
200g de manteiga com sal
130g de açúcar
1 ovo L
1 colher de sopa de água

600g de mirtilhos frescos
1/2 de chávena de açúcar
1/3 de chávena de farinha
20g de manteiga
1 colher de sopa de xarope de baunilha
1 colher de sopa de xarope de ácer
1 colher de sopa de sumo de limão

Numa taça, misturar os ingredientes do recheio: os mirtilhos, o açúcar, a farinha, a manteiga cortada em cubinhos bem pequenos, a essência de baunilha, o xarope de ácer e o sumo de limão. Reservar.
Noutra taça, misturar a farinha e o açúcar para a base de tarte. Juntar a manteiga aos cubos e misturar tudo bem com as pontas dos dedos até obter uma mistura de migalhas mais ou menos uniforme. Incorporar o ovo batido com 1 colher de sopa de água e amassar até a mistura se tornar coesa. Se a massa se separar muito, juntar um pouquinho mais de água. Dividir em duas partes ligeiramente diferentes em tamanho, envolver cada uma em película aderente e levar ao frigorífico cerca de 15 a 20 minutos.

Polvilhar uma superfície limpa e seca com farinha. Retirar a maior bola de massa do frio e estender sobre esta superfície, com a ajuda de um rolo da massa, de modo a obter uma folha de massa que sirva para forrar a tarteira e os lados, com alguma margem. Opcionalmente, pode-se forrar directamente o fundo da tarteira com a massa mais mole, sem estender com o rolo.
Espalhar o recheio de mirtilhos sobre a massa da base. Retirar a segunda parte de massa do frio e estender da mesma forma, de modo a obter uma camada de massa para cobrir o topo da tarte. Colocar sobre a tarte, com as pontas dos dedos, unir bem a massa da base à do topo. Pode-se fazer motivos decorativos. Fazer cortes ou furos no topo da tarte para o vapor. Levar de novo ao frigorífico cerca de 15 a 20 min. Entretanto, pre-aquecer o forno a 180ºC.
Levar ao forno cerca de 30-40 minutos, ou até a tarte estar dourada. Se desejado, ligar a grelha nos minutos finais para dourar mais generosamente. Deixar arrefecer antes de desenformar e deixar arrefecer por completo antes de polvilhar com açúcar em pó e cortar.


hence the recipe for a
heart-warming blueberry pie.
couple it with whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice-cream if you dare!

for a rectangular pie pan

300g flour
200g salted butter
130g sugar
1 large egg
1 tbsp water

600g fresh blueberries
1/2 cup sugar
1/3 cup flour
20g butter
1 tbsp vanilla syrup
1 tbsp maple syrup
1 tbsp lemon juice

In a bowl, stir together the filling ingredients: blueberries, flour, butter chopped down to small pieces, vanilla syrup, maple syrup and lemon juice. Set aside.
In a second bowl, mix the flour and sugar for the crust. Throw in the butter, diced, and blend it well with the tips of the fingers, until reaching a more or less uniform crumbly texture. Incorporate the egg, beaten with a tbsp of water, and knead just until it all comes together. If the mixture separates too much, add a tiny bit more water. Divide in two differently sized parts - bottom part should be a bit bigger - and wrap with plastic foil. Place in the fridge for about 15 to 20 minutes.
Sprinkle a clean and dry surface with flour. Take the biggest portion of dough from the fridge and roll it over this surface with a rolling pin, shaping it as to fit the chosen pie pan, bottom and sides, with ease. Optionally, one can spread the dough directly into the pan.
Spread the filling inside the bottom crust. Remove the second portion of dough from the fridge and roll it the same way, as to obtain the right shape to cover the whole pie. Place over the pie and press the sides of both top and bottom crusts, optionally decorating the resulting borders using the fingertips or a fork. Cut or pierce the top of the pie so that steam can escape. Place the pie in the fridge for another 15 to 20 minutes. Meanwhile, pre-heat oven to 180ºC.
Bake for about 30-40 minutes, or until golden. If desired, turn on the grill during the final minutes to make it extra golden on the top. Let cool before removing from the pan and let cool completely before sprinkling with confectioner's sugar and slicing.




  1. Adoro mirtilos e essa linda tarte deixou-me com água na boca
    Bom fim de semana

  2. Olá Inês!!!
    Fiquei hipnotizada com essa linda tarte, esse recheio de mirtilos é tentador!!!
    Beijos e ótimo final de semana pra ti! =)

  3. Muitas coisas a dizer: tens uma luz brutal para fotografar; quero uma mesa dessas, e quero tanto uma tarteira dessas que sou capaz de a ir comprar hoje (para fazer uma tarte indulgente e desgraçada [de chocolate eheheh])
    A Cozinha da Ovelha Negra

  4. Eu apaixonei-me pela tarte...espero ansiosamente que os mirtilos comecem a amadurecer para fazer muitas coisas deliciosas com eles, e esta será uma delas :)

  5. Woh your pie sound so good ! I love blueberries !!

    Have a nice day :)

  6. A life without blueberries would be a sad life indeed. What a gorgeous pie!
