
let me introduce you your new favourite everyday summer treat

{ watermelon-strawberry slush }

It's 35ºC outside and maybe even way over it inside your house, you're feeling close to fainting, sweating and panting whenever you have to move a finger... so what now? Just whip youself up this all-natural delicious slush. Luscious, with a vibrant red colour, it's pretty perfect. No need to add colourants.

A couple of days ago, so to speak, I decided I could wait no longer to go back to freezing fruit. I started doing it some years ago when I was at my parents' over the summer, mostly to produce creamy banana ice creams, slowly destroying their blender with rock-like pieces of banana, strawberries, blueberries, or whatever crossed my mind that day. However, since I moved to Germany, I haven't had the chance to use a REAL blender, for all I've got is a feeble cheap hand blender that I bought at the supermarket, which main function is actually spilling soup all around my kitchen. Not funny.

But I am a stubborn woman. I don't give up, I don't quit, and I like challenges and trying to do the impossible. So I went on and bought half a watermelon which fate had already been established. Chopped up in thin pieces, spread over a tray and tossed into the freezer. That's it. It stayed there overnight, and in the morning I transferred it to a big, thick, German-style beer jar, put some strawberries on top, stuck the tip of the blender inside, covered it all with a cloth and pressed pulse on that damn machine. Guess what... it worked! So if you don't have a proper blender and you'ld like to have some fruit-only ice-cream/sherbet... you can definitely puree some kinds of frozen fruit with the hand blender! Just cut it into thin slices before freezing.

This one goes to my beloved brother Tomás, because I know it's gonna be his new favourite thing to make and drink, and he must start making it right away. Beware mother, for you'll have to buy tons of watermelons from now on. And I know my other brother happens to be the hugest fan of watermelon in the house, so... it's gonna be a hit there!

granizado de melancia e morango.
porque está demasiado calor lá fora.

(cada copo)
2 chávenas de pedaços de melancia finos
5 morangos
sumo de meio limão
1 colher de sopa de xarope de agave (ou açúcar a gosto)

Congelar a melancia num tabuleiro.
Triturar todos os ingredientes e servir imediatamente.


watermelon-strawberry slush.
because it's too hot outside.

(each serving)
2 cups watermelon, chopped into thin pieces
5 strawberries
juice of half lemon
1 tbsp agave syrup (or sugar to taste)

Freeze the watermelon spread in a tray.
Blend all ingredients and serve immediately.


lots of love,