
let it fall, let it fall.

{ zwetschgendatschi: german streusel plum cake }

'Zwetschgen' (bavarian name, 'abrunhos' in portuguese) are a unique kind of plums, characterized by its elongated shape, dark amethyst peel and ideally golden flesh. For being seemingly less watery than other plums and for their deliciously intense flavour, they are perfect for baking. This cake is a German classic that combines several things that I personally adore, and that I guess are favourites for many of you as well: a buttery yeast dough, an awesome layer of juicy baked fruit, my own very favourite recipe of spiced crumble... plus it's easy to prepare and quicker than a normal bread! Made with seasonal fruits, this recipe couldn't be better suited for this well settled Fall.

If you follow me on facebook, you might be already aware that I've gone gluten-free for over a month, as I was experiencing plenty food-related problems. I'm feeling much better now and I am trying to reintegrate gluten back into my diet to see how it goes. I must admit that at first I was not very tempted to bake. I guess being away for so long kind of put me off it. It wasn't until I saw the yeast dough after leavening that I knew I was back in my element! And when the results were what you're seeing here, I couldn't be more ectastic! You MUST make this cake before plums are out of season, because not only it is absolutely delicious, it is an unbelievably rewarding thing to do!

Great news for those who cannot eat lactose... this one has none! All dairy I've used was lactose-free, so you can choose to use it or the regular kind. And while I cannot promise that gluten is back in the blog to stay, I can assure you that at least I am. Stay tuned, because the holiday is over around here ;)

bolo alemão de abrunhos com massa lêveda e cobertura de streusel.

(massa lêveda da base)
250g de farinha
1/2 embalagem de fermento seco
40g de açúcar
75ml de leite, morno
30g de manteiga, derretida
1 ovo, batido
1 colher de sopa de xarope de baunilha
sal e canela

500g de abrunhos
130g de farinha
75g de açúcar
100g de manteiga, cortada em cubos pequenos
sal, canela e noz moscada

(massa lêveda da base)
Numa taça pequena, verter o leite morno sobre o fermento seco e o açúcar. Deixar repousar cerca de 15 minutos até que se forme uma espuma espessa no topo.
Numa taça grande, colocar a farinha. Abrir uma cova ao centro e aí introduzir o preparado de fermento e todos os restantes ingredientes. Amassar bem com as mãos até que a massa se despegue das paredes da taça. A massa deverá ser bem espessa e elástica. Deixar levedar tapada com um pano de cozinha em local morno durante cerca de uma hora.
Depois de levedada, amassar mais um pouco a massa cerca de 10 minutos, para que perca algum ar. Colocar sobre uma superfície polvilhada com farinha e estender num rectângulo.
Transferir a massa para um tabuleiro forrado com papel vegetal.

Pré-aquecer o forno a 180ºC.
Lavar e cortar os abrunhos em quartos, removendo os caroços. Espalhar sobre a massa da base, com a casca voltada para baixo, sem deixar espaços vazios, pressionando-os levemente.
Numa taça, misturar a farinha o açúcar e as especiarias. Juntar a manteiga e misturar bem, até obter uma mistura de migalhas. Espalhar sobre os abrunhos.
Levar ao forno durante cerca de 45 minutos, deixando dourar ligeiramente o topo. Deixar arrefecer antes de cortar em quadrados.


german streusel plum cake, made with yeast dough.

(bottom layer yeast dough)
250g flour
1/2 package dried yeast
40g sugar
75ml milk, warm
30g butter, melted
1 egg, beaten
1 tbsp vanilla syrup
salt and cinnamon

500g long black plums
130g flour
75g sugar
100g butter, sliced down to small cubes
salt, cinnamon and nutmeg

(bottom dough)
In a small bowl, toss the yeast and sugar. Pour the milk over and let rest for about 15 minutes, until a thick foam forms on top.
In a big bowl, toss the flour. Open a hole in the middle and pour the yeast mix into it, followed by all remaining ingredients. Knead well with the hands, until the dough unsticks from the sides of the bowl. It should be thick and pliable. Cover with a clean cloth and let raise in a warm place for about 1 hour.
After leavening, knead for about 10 minutes as to reduce a bit the amount of air in it.
Place over a clean surface, previously dusted with flour, and roll into a rectangle.
Transfer the dough to a baking tray, lined with parchment paper.

Pre-heat oven at 180ºC.
Wash and quarter the plums, removing the cores. Spread the quarters over the yeast dough, peel side turned down, pressing them onto the dough and leaving no empty spaces.
In a bowl, mix the flour, sugar and spices. Add the butter and knead until reaching a crumble texture. Spread over the plums.
Bake for about 45 minutes, until the top is light golden. Let cool before slicing into squares.


Have a nice week,
lots of love,

1 comment:

  1. "Abrunhos" and "Rainha Claudia" plums are my favorite types of plums and this recipe seems really delicious.
