

{ zebra gugelhupf }

Looking for the perfect slice of cake for your cup of coffee? No frosting, no fillings, just a nice slice of a simple cake? Simple cakes don't have to be plain or boring, and this zebra bundt cake definitely makes a point of it: it's efortlessly gorgeous! Easy in the kitchen, makes an huge impression at the table. My recipe delivers the perfect crumb, caramelized edges and a delicious flavour that is not too overwhelming - perfect to couple with your coffee or tea. Get your stripes on and los geht's

Zebrastreifen: life has a way of forcing me to cross the road way too often. I must admit that I get some wicked satisfaction out of it - that is, after the initial resentment. Sometimes I really enjoyed the crosswalk I was on. Sometimes the new one is a bit scary. Sometimes I get thrown into a well from where it is crazy hard to get out. But the thrill of the unknown totally drives me in life. Maybe that's why it keeps throwing me out of my catwalk and into random places. I like to believe that in some way, either my choices or destiny will lead me somewhere fascinating. And the truth as for now is... I've walked into some wonderful places... more that I could ever imagine.

bolo zebra,
para um café em boa companhia.

375g de farinha
200g de açúcar
200g de manteiga
4 ovos
240ml de leite
2 c. de chá de bicarbonato de sódio
1 c. de sopa de xarope de baunilha
1 pitada de sal
manteiga e açúcar amarelo para untar e polvilhar a forma

25g de cacau em pó
50ml de leite
1 c. de sopa de açúcar

Certificar-se de que todos os ingredientes estão à temperatura ambiente com antecedência.
Untar uma forma de bundt cake com manteiga e polvilhar com açúcar amarelo. Reservar.
Pré-aquecer o forno a 180ºC.
Numa taça, misturar a farinha, o sal e o bicarbonato de sódio.
Noutra taça, pequena, misturar o cacau, o açúcar e os 50ml de leite.
Numa terceira taça, grande, juntar a manteiga cortada em cubos e o açúcar. Bater bem até obter uma mistura cremosa homogénea.
Juntar os ovos um a um, cada um com uma colher de sopa farinha, batendo entre adições. Juntar o xarope de baunilha.
Com a batedeira em velocidade baixa, juntar à vez uma porção de farinha e uma porção de leite, batendo entre adições. Começar e acabar com a farinha.
Separar metade da massa para outra taça (usar a da farinha) e incorporar a mistura de cacau, batendo até obter uma cor perfeitamente homogénea.
Utilizar uma colher de sopa para cada massa para criar as camadas coloridas. (ver foto abaixo) Começar com uma colher de sopa de massa branca, colocar uma de massa de cacau por cima desta, novamente uma de massa branca, e assim por diante até terminar toda a massa. Pode-se acelerar o processo começando com três colheradas de massa espaçadas entre si, e depois trabalhando sobre cada monte de massa.
Bater a forma contra o tampo da banca ou com uma mão para nivelar mais ou menos o topo do bolo.
Levar ao forno cerca de 45 minutos ou até um palito inserido no centro sair limpo. Deixar arrefecer antes de desenformar.
Desenformar cuidadosamente, nivelar o topo do bolo e virar ao contrário para que os desenhos do gugel fiquem por cima. Polvilhar com açúcar em pó e servir!


zebra bundt cake,
served with coffee in good company.

375g flour
200g sugar
200g butter
4 eggs
240ml milk
2 tsp baking soda
1 tbsp vanilla syrup
1 pinch of salt
butter and brown sugar for greasing and sprinkling

25g cocoa
20ml milk
1 tbsp sugar

Make sure all ingredients are at room temperature ahead of time.
Grease a bundt cake pan and sprinkle it all with brown sugar. Set aside.
Pre-heat oven at 180ºC.
In a bowl, whisk flour, salt and baking soda.
In a second bowl, small, whisk cocoa, sugar and the 50ml milk.
In a third bowl, big, cream the diced butter with sugar.
Add the eggs, one at a time with a tbsp of flour, beating between additions. Mix in the vanilla syrup.
With the mixer set to low speed, mix in the flour and the milk, a small portion at a time. Start and finish with flour.
Divide the batter in two similar portions and stir the cocoa mixture into one of them until well mixed.
Use a tablespoon for each batter to create the stripes. (see picture below) Start with a tbsp of white batter, place a tbsp cocoa batter on top, and keep repeating until there is no more batter left. You can speed up the process by starting with three evenly spaced tbsps of white batter and working on top of each at the same time.
Tap the pan against the top of the counter or with a hand to level the batter.
Bake for about 45 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Let cool before unmoulding.
Remove from pan, cut the top of the cake to level it and turn it upside down to reveal the gugel pattern. Dust with confectioner's sugar and serve!

I took an ugly picture for you while preparing the cake to better show how I got that effect!


Tomorrow is Friday, so...
Have a nice weekend! :)

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