
Craving something sweet...

{ suzette bananas }

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This recipe is great to get rid of all those overly ripe bananas that have been sitting on your counter. Easy, quick and delicious, it recalls that delicious french dessert from which it lends its name.

When I was a little girl, me and my brothers would sometimes be entitled to make special dessert requests. Now that I come to think about it, truth to be told, we couldn't request whatever came to mind, but one of an assortment of recipes my father actually aces at making. One of my favourites - and we would actually always fight over this, since my younger brother couldn't see what was it about them that captivated me so badly - was crepes suzette. A dessert that takes quite a while to whip up, yet I only now can acnowledge the effort it might have been for my father to - after a day of work - still gather the patience and energy to make crepes and infuse them in that glorious buttery sauce. Oh yes. I didn't make crepes, I didn't have time or energy for that. I decided to infuse those overly ripe bananas that were sitting on our counter.

bananas suzette,
para satisfazer um desejo repentino de doce.

4 bananas maduras
100g de açúcar
3 colheres de sopa de vinho do Porto
sumo de 1 laranja
sumo de 1/2 limão
raspa de limão
uma noz de manteiga

Levar todos os ingredientes excepto a banana a lume brando numa frigideira a espessar, mexendo de vez em quando.
Descascar e cortar as bananas em metades e colocar, com os interiores voltados para baixo, sobre o molho na frigideira. Deixar absorver a calda durante alguns minutos. Servir quente, acompanhar com gelado de baunilha ou natas batidas se desejado.


suzette bananas,
to satisfy a sudden dessert craving.

4 ripe bananas
100g sugar
3 tbsp Port wine
juice of 1 orange
juice of 1/2 lemon
grate of 1 lemon
10g butter

In a saucepan over medium heat bring all ingredients except the bananas to a simmer, stirring frequently, until it thickens.
Peel the bananas and cut them lengthwise. Place them in the saucepan, interior side down, and let them absorb the syrup for some minutes. Serve hot, maybe with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream or whipped cream.


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