
a hidden black forest.

{ chocolate cake with berries and coconut }

Remember I said I didn't intend to spend a whole day in the kitchen on Friday?

Well... I did spend around ten hours there - between Thursday and Friday -, but I also watched a film and two episodes of Mentalist, so it was pretty cool. As a result I came up with ten different dishes - among appetizers, main dishes and desserts -, so I guess I was pretty diligent! I even had time to stop for a while staring at the finale of the season, which was quite lovely. Everything went as planned - a bit of a lie, but in the end it was even better! - and there was time to relax, get ready and prepare the house for the evening.

In the end there was this bunch of amazing people coming over to celebrate the fact that I've got a new apartment, and it was really, really awesome!
Once again, if you are reading this, thank you all a lot :) You are welcome any time!

As such, I have now a variety of new recipes to share with you, so stay tuned during the next days!

This is my favourite chocolate cake ever, with a twist ;)

Bolo de Chocolate com Frutos Vermelhos e Côco
- 1 receita de massa de bolo de chocolate como esta
- 100g de mirtilhos
- 100g de framboesas

- côco e açúcar em pó para polvilhar

Preparar a massa de acordo com a receita até antes de ir ao forno,
Incorporar os frutos vermelhos,
Levar ao forno conforme a receita,
Desenformar, deixar arrefecer, cortar em quadrados e polvilhar com côco ralado e açúcar em pó

Chocolate Cake with Berries and Coconut
- 1 receita de massa de bolo de chocolate like this one
- 100g blueberries
- 100g raspberries

- shredded coconut and powdered sugar

Prepare the batter according to the recipe until ready to the oven,
Mix in the berries,
Bake according to the recipe,
Unmould, let cool down, cut into squares and sprinkle with shredded coconut and powdered sugar


  1. Que maravilha e com frutos vermelhos deve ficar delicioso!

  2. Olá prima
    Quando o ânimo andar melhor (o que não deve acontecer em breve) vou com certeza experimentar porque adoro a combinação de chocolate e framboesas.
    Beijinhos e boa sorte por essa terra distante

  3. Eu adorei o teu programa nesses dias, cozinhar, ver uma série que adoro e depois festa! É mesmo dos meus programas preferidos :)
    Deve ser uma delícia este bolo, ainda não consegui ter cerejas em casa tempo suficiente para lhes dar outro uso, mas a época ainda agora começou ;)

  4. Excelente aspecto! :)

  5. A julgar pelo aspecto e textura, só pode ser maravilhoso mesmo e recheado de ingredientes que adoro!!
