Thesis on hold... for now I have an headache on fire.
Hi! I would like to welcome all the people who just recently started visiting my page ;) And thank all those who keep me going!
Talking about that... Sometimes people really inspire me without even knowing it. And this post is a bit about it.
I put a hold on the party recipes series to present this dinner I made at home back before Easter for me and my lovely brothers.
You know... I thought they would really hate it.
I had just arrived in Aveiro from Munich and both my parents were travelling to different corners of the world. There was some salmon in the fridge that was somehow meant to be grilled.
Of course it didn't turn that way. Thing is: I prefer raw salmon 1000x over the cooked one. And it's always impossible to try daring - read unconventional upon sight - recipes when I'm cooking for my parents, so I shortly convinced my brothers we would try something different ;)
Back to where I started... on the people who really inspire me without noticing... This was the recipe that made me come back after months of desertion. I mean, there was this guy who really talked me into coming back because he thought this dish looked nice. Today, I want to thank him :)
Tártaro de Salmão
- 2 lombos de salmão, sem pele ou espinhas e
cortados em pequenos cubinhos
- 2 dentes de alho, picados
- 1/2 cebola pequena, picada
- coentros, picados
- 3 colheres de sopa de sumo de limão
- mistura de pimentas, moída na hora
- 1 colher de café de massa de alho
- sal
- 6 morangos
- 1 colher de sobremesa de vinagre balsâmico
- 1 colher de sobremesa rasa de açúcar
- 1 iogurte grego
- 1 iogurte natural
- mistura de pimentas, moída na hora
- sal
- sementes de sésamo q.b.
Numa taça alta, misturar gentilmente o salmão,
o alho, a cebola, os coentros, o sumo de limão, a pimenta, a massa de alho e o
sal. Reservar.
À parte, misturar os morangos, o vinagre
balsâmico e o açúcar. Reservar.
Noutra taça, misturar os iogurtes, a pimenta e
o sal,
Escorrer bem os morangos,
Montar o tártaro em aros metalizados (usei um
copo de iogurte com o fundo cortado. Começar com uma camada de morangos,
seguida de uma camada de salmão,
Finalizar com o molho de iogurte e as sementes
de sésamo.
Salmon Tartare
- 2 salmon fillets, no bones or skin, chopped into small pieces
- 2 garlic cloves, chopped
- 1/2 onion, chopped
- cilantro, chopped
- 3 tbsp lemon juice
- pepper mix, freshly ground
- 1/3 tsp garlic paste
- salt
- 6 strawberries
- 2 tsp balsamic vinegar
- 2 tsp sugar
- 1 greek yogurt
- 1 regular yogurt
- pepper mix, freshly ground
- salt
- sesame seeds
Mix the salmon, garlic, onion, cilantro, lemon juice, pepper, garlic paste and salt. Set aside.
In another bowl, mix strawberries, balsamic and salt,
Drain the strawberries completely,
Mix the yogurt, pepper and salt
Set the layers inside a steel ring for plating: first strawberries, then salmon,
Finish with the yogurt sauce and sesame seeds.
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ReplyDeleteI remember that rainy afternoon when I went to visit you and you were not sure whether to do this recipe or not. I'm glad you did, it looks delicious! :)
ReplyDeleteInês, salmon is always great but raw salmon or salmon tartare is always even better - this looks quite delicious. Glad that you took the time to try out this recipe!
ReplyDeleteIt looks like this is going to be one long and hot weekend weaterwise - lots of sunshine. Hope all is well in Munich - may the (albeit short) holidays be terrific and full of wonderful inspirations for your nice blog!
Ganz viele liebe Grüsse aus dem sonnigen Bonn - got to go and poach salmon (no joke) for the FFwD group.
I've never made salmon tartare. It looks and sounds delicious!
ReplyDeleteQue maravilha de sugestão e eu que adoro tártaro, já fiquei a salivar!!
ReplyDeleteUm grande beijinho e bom fim de semana,
Well I'm so glad you decided to return! I love all things raw salmon and this sounds great!
ReplyDeleteA very interesting dish, Inês. How did it all turn out. I'm all for strawberries with balsamic and black pepper even. Never thought to serve it with salmon though.