
blurred lines.

{ brigadeiros }

Some specific foods have the power to bring us back to our childhood.

Well, this one certainly does it for a lot of people.

It is probably one of the first recipes kids learn to make on their own, as it is quite easy and envolves no harmful appliances - except for the stovetop, a step that I immagine many parents would supervise.
This was the most likely item to be present at any kid's birthday party in the 90s. And all kids loved this thing!

I didn't really ever care for them... I don't know why, but at the sight of a table full with different stuff, this was something I would rarely go for. Maybe because they are overpoweringly sweet, so they would make anything else taste like nothing after - what a smart palate, if that's the case!
Plus we would never have them at home, I don't know why, but I never bothered to wonder
Hence, this is something I had never made at home, even though I had watched many friends preparing them.

For some awkward reason, being here has awaken some eccentric desires and cravings I didn't even knew I could have - as in even for some things that I kind of didn't like before. For you prents here, if you want your kids to like any traditional dish they hate back home, just send them abroad for a couple of months, it will totally solve the problem! (...just not to Portugal or Italy, as they may stay there for the food haha ;) )

One thing they don't have here in a regular supermarket is what we call 'regular' condensed milk back home... they sell this thin, cream-like mixture that I don't even understand what it is. Suddenly, I had an urge to make all condensed milk things I could think off. So I bought some at the portuguese shop.
In the end there was one can left in my pantry.

Last week, I really needed to eat chocolate, but it was ten in the evening and I only had cocoa. So I did what I had to do.
Get rid of that can.


- 1 lata de leite condensado
- 75g de chocolate em pó
- 25g de manteiga
- 1 colher de chá rasa de café
- gengibre e piri-piri
- 1 colher de sopa de licor beirão

1) Misturar todos os ingredientes e levar ao lume, mexendo sempre até desgrudar das paredes do tacho,
2) Verter num prato untado com óleo e deixar arrefecer,
3) Formar bolinhas e rolar na cobertura desejada,
4) Colocar em forminhas de papel e servir.

- 1 can (thick) condensed milk
- 75g chocolate powder
- 25g butter
- 1 scant tsp coffee
- ginger and chili
- 1 tbsp Beirão liquor

1) Mix everything in a saucepan and place over medium hear, stirring until the mixture unsticks from the sides of the pan,
2) Pour in a greased deep dish and let cool,
3) Shape into small balls, roll in sprinkles,
4) Place in paper cups and serve.

I made these while watching 'Dieta Mediterranea' and I suggest you watch a film about food while you do them ;) I chose chocolate sprinkles, funfetti (depicted over here) and sugar hearts, but you can also use cocoa (works great for the contrast), coconut, ground nuts, etc. I gave the traditional recipe an extra kick too.


  1. Com gengibre e piri piri devem ficar uma maravilha
    Gostei e adorava provar

  2. Ficaram mesmo bonitos! :) adoro brigadeiros ^^ é das melhores formas de se comer chocolate :p

  3. These look very pretty. I've always loved condensed milk and when I was growing up I'd eat it by the spoonful xx

  4. Dear Inês, the "condensed milk" you are writing about the the regular old "Kondensmilch" I guess - what you are looking for (or should look for if you need it again) is the "Milchmädchen", a sweetened condensed milk, not the thin, watery kind that you seem to refer to...hope that helps a bit...
    And your lovely Brigadeiros look like a decadent treat indeed! Especially with those sprinkles!
    Hope all is going well with your Masters´ thesis!
    Einen schönen Freitag noch und viele liebe Grüsse aus Bonn,
