
gimme my musli

{ traditional bircher muesli overnight oats }

How are you?

I just moved (yet again...)!

The new place is really cool and we have a nice kitchen,
so I hope you'll be seeing some more innovative ideas soon ;)

I'm completely overwhelmed with work by now...
and as you've noticed, I have been baking a lot less...
but I realized I still had some recipes on hold that I hadn't shared with you!

As for tomorrow is Monday, I decided it was the perfect timing to bring this original musli recipe to you.

Overnight Oats #4
The traditionalist.
- 1/3 de frasco de aveia
- 1/3 de frasco de leite 0.8%
- 1 colher de chá de açúcar amarelo
- meia dúzia de uvas brancas, cortadas ao meio
- meia dúzia de avelãs, grosseiramente picadas

para topping:
- 1/2 banana, cortada em rodelas ou pedaços
- meia dúzia de uvas brancas

1) Misturar todos os primeiros ingredientes num frasco,
2) Refrigerar durante a noite,
3) Agitar, abrir e juntar extra banana e uvas.

Overnight Oats #4
The traditionalist.
- 1/3 jar oats
- 1/3 jar 0.8% milk
- 1 tsp light brown sugar
- a handful of grapes, halved
- a handful of hazelnuts, coarsely chopped

- 1/2 banana, sliced or chopped
- a few grapes

1) Mix all first ingredients in a jar,
2) Refrigerate overnight,
3) Shake, open and top with banana and grapes.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Um pequeno almoço perfeito
    Gostei dos ingredientes usados
    Boa semana
