
oh those winter mornings...

{ orange infused scones }

... when the white sheer curtains filter the cold and dull wintry light, slowly allowing it to drench the entire room, only to dilute its already washed out whiteness: from the rough snow coloured walls, on which a few thoughtfully lined up postcards hang, down to the lazy messy bulk of soft white sheets and blankets, covered in faded pink and blue blossoms.
oh how easily my heart tunes with the slow pace of these cold mornings, and how suddenly my mind is in total synchrony with the world, as if the light had somehow managed to creep in and wipe away all thoughts; oh how naturally inspiration comes to me, my eyes trying to catch all these textures and wrinkles within the soothing white wash, while at the same time I know it is just time to lay back and simply purify my mind.

I am one of those persons who totally enjoys having breakfast, brunch and tea time the-whole-day, and this is absolutely one of my favourite treats in the world. orange-infused scones with orange marmalade and berry-rum jam, paired with freshly brewed ceylon tea and homemade blood orange juice... this time with hozier singing in the background followed by a session of bridget jones. ah, how I wish sunday could last a whole week...

I would like to dedicate this post to my friend Betty, because she is on the other side of the world, I miss her and I would have loved to have shared this brunch & film with her.


scones de laranja
para manhãs de inverno na cama

125g de farinha
1/4 de colher de chá de sal
1 colher de chá de fermento
25g de manteiga
raspa de uma laranja
75ml de leite

Pré-aquecer o forno a 200ºC,
Juntar a farinha, o sal e o fermento numa taça, juntar a manteiga em cubos e a raspa de laranja e trabalhar a massa com as mãos até obter uma mistura de migalhas mais ou menos homogénea,
Fazer um buraco no centro da massa e deitar o leite, trabalhar até obter uma massa macia e coesa, que se descole das paredes do recipiente,
Colocar sobre uma superfície polvilhada com farinha e enrolar num cilindro com cerca de 5-7 cm de diâmetro,
Com uma faca, cortar círculos com cerca de dois centímetros de espessura,
Colocar sobre um tabuleiro forrado com papel vegetal, pincelar com ovo batido (opcional),
Levar ao forno cerca de 15-20 minutos.


orange-infused scones
for a winter morning in bed

125g flour
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
25g butter
grated peel of one orange
75ml milk

Pre-heat oven at 200ºC,
Mix flour, salt and baking powder, add the diced butter and orange peel and work the mixture with the hands until obtaining a fairly homogeneous crumb mixture,
Make a hole in the center and pour in the milk, work until reaching a soft and cohesive dough, which no longer sticks to the sides of the bowl,
Place over a clean surface dusted with flour and roll up in a cilinder about 5-7 cm thick,
With a knife, cut slices about 2 cm thick,
Place over a baking tray lined with parchment paper, varnish with egg wash (optional),
Bake for about 15-20 minutes.


with love,


  1. Belos scones! A laranja deve conferir-lhes um sabor delicioso :)

  2. Adorei as fotos! Que aspeto delicioso ;)

    Visita e participa no qiveaway a decorrer:

  3. Como gosto de scones e já não os faço há imenso tempo. Encontrei outro dia uma receita de scones feitos no micro-ondas que ainda não experimentei. Parei nela e pensei que seriam bem rápidos de fazer. Os teus estão perfeitos. Que textura!
    Obrigada pela visita ao foodwithameaning. Vamos torcer que cheguem lulas boas à Alemanha para as poderes experimentar no barro.
    Beijinhos aqui da ilha.
    Patrícia (www.foodwithameaning.wordpress.com)
    P.S. Não consigo comentar com a conta do Wordpress. Fico assim semi-anónima. ;)

  4. Que bom aspecto, parecem estar deliciosos. Adorei as fotos :)

