oh decisions, decisions...
i've been saving them all for the weekends and when they finally arrive time just seems to slip through my fingers. and at the same time i need to get some rest and inspiration too!
i have a lot ot things to thing through - indeed. but i'll get there and i'll make the right call - because there is no right or wrong when it comes to the questions which have been bugging my mind.
meanwhile, i've been baking - what would you expect!? - but i still have some goodies from Portugal to share with you. and as i promised, today is double recipe day!
oh danish pastry.
i have been to Denmark not so long ago... but i also remember travelling around the Netherlands many years back and returning home wishing that the taste of those berry filled pies would linger in my mouth. oh yeah, those were likely the best individual pies i've ever had. blackberry, cherry, raspberry, you name it, i'ld want to have them every single day. no wonder i put on two kilos during that trip (okay, i've also been to Belgium, world champion of fries and mayo).
for those who don't know danish pastry dough, it is a bit like puff pastry dough, but it is made with yeast and leavens (and here i cannot hide a big bread making lover smile) before baking. you can use it for savoury and sweet recipes - big thumbs up!
i think i've fallen again for it from the moment i first made it on my own - in the end of last year. and that was definitely one of my 2014 culinary achievements.
today i'll leave you my recipe for danish pastry dough and two savoury pastries you can make with it (depicted above, right and bottom of the picture. the other pastries will be here soon too!)
and you probably don't remember, but these were baked for a party where everything had names of songs!
Massa de Pastéis Dinamarquesa
para fazer todo o tipo de coisas deliciosas
10g de fermento seco
3 colheres de sopa de açúcar
100ml de água morna
150ml de leite à temperatura ambiente
2 ovos
1 pitada de sal
500g de farinha
250g de manteiga de boa qualidade, fria
30g de manteiga à temperatura ambiente, ou
Misturar o fermento com o açúcar e a água e
deixar repousar cerca de 5 minutos, até borbulhar,
Bater os ovos com o leite,
Numa taça, misturar a farinha, o sal e a manteiga
amolecida muito bem com as mãos,
Incorporar a mistura de fermento e a de
leite na da farinha; amassar alguns minutos até obter uma massa macia e apenas
ligeiramente pegajosa,
Envolver a massa em película aderente,
formando um rectângulo, e levar ao frigorífico cerca de 20 minutos,
Retirar a manteiga do frigorífico com 5
minutos de antecedência,
Retirar a massa do frigorífico e, sobre uma
superfície enfarinhada e com um rolo da massa, estendê-la num rectângulo
alongado com cerca de meio a um centímetro de espessura,
Bater na manteiga com o rolo da massa e
estendê-la num rectângulo com um terço do tamanho do de massa (se a manteiga se
desfizer demasiado em pedaços com aspecto enfarinhado não é muito boa para o
Colocar a manteiga no centro da massa,
cobrindo a largura, e dobrar os dois terços das pontas por cima, em envelope,
Rodar a massa 90º, estender com o rolo da
massa novamente num rectângulo alongado, e dobrar de novo os dois terços das
pontas sobre o central,
Embrulhar de novo em película e levar ao
frigorífico outros 20 minutos,
Retirar do frigorífico e repetir o
processo de estender e dobrar duas vezes; repetir mais duas vezes passado mais
20 minutos de repouso no frigorífico,
A massa está pronta a estender e usar (ou
pode ser mantida até um dia no frigorífico).
Danish Pastry Dough
to make all sorts of delicious things
10g dried yeast
3 tbsp sugar
100ml warm water
150ml milk, room temperature
2 eggs
a pinch of salt
500g flour
250g good quality butter, cold
30g butter room temperature or softened
Mix the yeast, sugar and water in a small bowl and let rest for about 5 minutes, until bubbly,
Beat the eggs with the milk. Set aside,
In a big bowl, using the fingertips, mix flour, salt and the softened butter,
Incorporate the yeast and the milk mixtures into the flour mixture; knead for some minutes until soft and just slightly sticky,
Wrap it up in plastic foil shaping a rectangle, and let rest on the fridge for about 20 minutes,
Remove butter from the fridge some 5 minutes in advance,
Remove dough from the fridge and, over a flour-dusted surface, roll it down to a wide rectangle, about 1 cm thick,
Pound and roll the butter down to the same shape, but with about one third of the size of the dough rectangle, and about 1/2 to 1 cm tall,
Place the butter in the centre of the dough and fold the sides over, like an envelope,
Rotate the batter 90ºC, roll it down again, and fold again the two top thirds over the centre one,
Wrap it back in plastic foil and let rest on the fridge for about 20 minutes.
Repeat the rolling and folding process twice, let rest again for another 20 minutes.
Dough is ready to roll and use (can be kept in the fridge up to a day).
Pastéis de Creme com Bacon e Cebola Caramelizada
massa de pastéis dinamarqueses, preparada
com 250g de farinha
2 embalagens de queijo creme magro
1 cebola pequena, picada
75g de bacon em cubinhos
Bater o queijo creme,
Refogar a cebola temperada com sal em
azeite e escorrer bem,
Estender a massa num rectângulo estreito,
enrolar no sentido da largura e cortar discos com cerca de 1,5-2cm de espessura,
Colocar cada disco com a base circular para
baixo dentro de uma forma para cupcakes bem untada com manteiga e espalhar a
massa, pressionando o centro e abrindo o disco para os lados, mantendo as
camadas criadas ao enrolar,
Colocar uma colherada de queijo creme no
interior de cada um, polvilhar com cebola e bacon,
Levar ao frigorífico cerca de 10 minutos.
Enquanto isso pré-aquecer o forno a 200ºC,
Levar ao forno até estarem bem dourados.
Cream Pastries with Bacon and Caramelized Onion
danish pastry dough, made with 250g flour
2 packages low-fat cream cheese
1 small onion, chopped
75g bacon, cut down to small dices
olive oil
Beat the cream cheese,
Caramelize the onion, seasoned with salt, in olive oil. Drain well.
Roll the dough down to a thin rectangle, roll it up in lenghtwise and cut it down to 1,5-2cm thick slices,
Place each slice with the circular side down inside a well greased cupcake mould. Spread the batter to the sides, pressing down the center and widening it up to the sides, preserving the layers made while rolling,
Place a spoonful of cream cheese in each mould, sprinkle with onion and bacon,
Refrigerate for about 10 minutes. Pre-heat oven at 200ºC,
Bake until golden.
2 packages low-fat cream cheese
1 small onion, chopped
75g bacon, cut down to small dices
olive oil
Beat the cream cheese,
Caramelize the onion, seasoned with salt, in olive oil. Drain well.
Roll the dough down to a thin rectangle, roll it up in lenghtwise and cut it down to 1,5-2cm thick slices,
Place each slice with the circular side down inside a well greased cupcake mould. Spread the batter to the sides, pressing down the center and widening it up to the sides, preserving the layers made while rolling,
Place a spoonful of cream cheese in each mould, sprinkle with onion and bacon,
Refrigerate for about 10 minutes. Pre-heat oven at 200ºC,
Bake until golden.
Lonely Boy
Espirais de Pan de Jamón
massa de pastéis dinamarqueses, preparada com 250g de farinha
paio de york
azeitonas sem caroço, cortadas em rodelas
Estender a massa num rectângulo fino,
estender os recheios sobre esta e enrolar no sentido da largura,
Cortar em fatias com cerca de 1-1,5cm e
espalhar sobre um tabuleiro forrado com papel vegetal,
Levar ao frigorífico cerca de 10 minutos;
pré-aquecer o forno a 200ºC,
Levar ao forno até estarem bem dourados.
Roll down the dough into a narrow rectangle, spread the remaining ingredients over and roll it up lenghtwise,
Cut 1-1,5cm thick slices and spread them over a parchment paper lined tray,
Refrigerate for about 10 minutes. Pre-heat oven at 200ºC,
Bake until golden.
Lonely Boy
Pan de Jamón Swirls
danish pastry dough, made with 250g flour
cured ham
pitted olives, sliced
Roll down the dough into a narrow rectangle, spread the remaining ingredients over and roll it up lenghtwise,
Cut 1-1,5cm thick slices and spread them over a parchment paper lined tray,
Refrigerate for about 10 minutes. Pre-heat oven at 200ºC,
Bake until golden.
lots of love,
Não há viagem que não se engorde! Ou então não se experimenta tudo como deve ser :p eheh!
ReplyDeleteDepois compensa-se!
Tudo com óptimo aspecto!
Apetece roubar vários de cada :)
Um beijinho
Sou trapalhona e leio os posts na diagonal, por isso quando vi "Arabella" e "Lonely Boy" achei que não podia mesmo ser coincidência ou que estava a ver nomes de músicas que adoro numa receita - mas parece que é mesmo verdade :) óptimas receitas e músicas estrondosas - já gostava de ti e do teu blog, agora gosto mais (é que saber que gostas das mesmas músicas que eu criou mais empatia!)
ReplyDeleteO meu tipo de festa!! Que delicia :D
Diogo Marques
Blog: A culpa é das bolachas! | Facebook | Instagram
Gostei das duas versôes, apeteve-me pegar uns quantos
ReplyDeleteBom domingo
Que maravilha de aspeto. Apetece agarrar logo em alguns ( muitos) e comê-los.