I have been sharing a lot of misty morning pictures and posting a lot of breakfast and brunch suggestions lately. I have, however, noticed that, although there's always something to drink in the depicted scenarios - and to make it even more blatant, they often come in pairs - I've failed to highlight the topic of b&b beverages and to share some of my ideas when it comes to it with you.
Hence, today I decided that, before posting any other recipe, I would make up for it.
In my opinion, wintry weekend mornings - and there's a whole thick layer of snow out there to support my statement - are perfect for staying in, sleeping in, reading, watching films, doing a spa session at home, lighting candles, doing absolutely nothing, and... put up a complicated and heavy-on-calories breakfast - or should I say, brunch. I love everything about this. The foggy atmosphere behind the curtains, the cold, taking my time in the kitchen. It's like the white quietness outside has touched the entire universe, holding it still, or at least delaying its pace. Everything moves slower, and you can better connect with your own body and mind.
Ramsay said that breakfast was the most dreaded meal for a chef, but doing it like this, and just for myself, takes away all pressure and actually leaves me feeling really accomplished. Oh well... I guess this breakfast and brunch fad will eventually fade as spring blossoms in. During the summer, at least where I come from, it is damn to hot to prepare this kind of stuff. Still... we'll see ;)
That said, I've been saving most weekend mornings to experiment with breakfast and brunch ideas.
This post features not one, but two breakfast beverage recipes. Really easy recipes that I just thought of sharing because they may be just what you needed to pimp up your quick go-to breakfast, even during the week.
mash de tangerina refrescante.
(serve 1)
3-4 tangerinas
125ml de água com gás
3 folhas de rúcula
2 cubos de gelo
Espremer o sumo das tangerinas, reservando uma
metade para servir. Fatiar essa metade, colocar num copo juntamente com o gelo. Deitar a água com gás no copo, juntar o sumo e
finalizar com a rúcula. Servir.
sparkling tangerine mash.
(1 serving)
3-4 tangerines
125ml sparkling water
3 leaves arugula
2 ice cubes
Squeeze the tangerines, keeping one half aside. Slice that half, place inside a glass with the ice. Pour in the water, then the tangerine juice and finish by adding the arugula. Serve.
chai de lady grey.
(serve 1)
250ml de leite meio-gordo
1 colher de chá lady grey
baunilha moída q.b.
Ferver o leite e verter sobre o chá, previamente colocado dentro de um filtro ou utensílio próprio. Polvilhar com a baunilha e deixar em infusão cerca de 3-5 minutos. Servir quente.
lady grey chai.
(1 serving)
250ml milk, 1,5% fat
1 tsp lady grey tea
ground vanilla
Boil the milk and pour it over the tea, previously placed inside a proper filter or infuser. Sprinkle with vanilla and let set for 3-5 minutes. Serve hot.
Ferver o leite e verter sobre o chá, previamente colocado dentro de um filtro ou utensílio próprio. Polvilhar com a baunilha e deixar em infusão cerca de 3-5 minutos. Servir quente.
hope you had a great weekend!
estes são o meu tipo de cenários, pequeno-almoço e brunch! :)
ReplyDeleteo chai não é para mim, chá e leite, não combinam haha mas o mash de tangeria feito de água com gás é simplesmente perfeito :)
bom domingo e boa semana :)