brace yourselves,
the weekend is coming...
It's been two weeks since I baked this lovely - and HUGE - berry filled brioche bread. I had the wit to slice it all up that day, freeze it, and now, whenever I feel like having a fancier breakfast, I just pop a slice in the toaster and in a few minutes my whole apartment smells like a fine french boulangerie.
Well that's on weekdays.
During the weekend there is a pretty higher tide when it comes to fancy breakfasts around here.
In a way, I knew I was going to make this from the very moment I decided that a homemade brioche would actually be happening in my oven. I mean... why would I bake something that huge if I had no plans on using its leftovers it in the most glorious way possible afterwards!?
... and you know what?
This was absolutely
the best french toast ever.
com maçã escaldada em maple syrup, whiskey e laranja
2 fatias espessas de brioche (receita aqui)
1/3 de chávena de farinha
1/2 chávena de leite
1 colher de sopa de açúcar
1 ovo
baunilha e noz moscada moídas q.b.
1 maçã grande, descascada e sem caroço, cortada em pedaços pequenos
60ml de maple syrup
30ml de whiskey
1 colher de sopa de orange marmalade vintage
manteiga q.b.
açúcar em pó para polvilhar
Bater os ingredientes do polme: a farinha, o
leite, o açúcar, o ovo, a baunilha e a noz moscada.
Imergir as fatias de brioche no polme,
cobrindo-as bem de ambos os lados.
À parte, misturar bem o maple syrup, o whiskey
e a orange marmalade.
Aquecer duas sertãs sobre lume médio-alto e
deixar derreter uma noz de manteiga em cada uma.
Colocar a maçã numa delas, deixando cozinhar
Escorrer as fatias de brioche do líquido em
excesso e fritá-las na segunda sertã à vez, cerca de 1-2 minutos de cada lado.
Entretanto, continuar a preparar a maçã.
Quando esta estiver ligeiramente mais tenra e necessitar de líquido, juntar uma
ou duas colheres de sopa do preparado de maple syrup e misturar. Deixar
cozinhar e caramelizar um pouco. Reduzir o lume e juntar o restante
líquido, deixando reduzir ligeiramente sem ferver (ou fervendo, se desejável que o
whiskey perca o valor alcoólico).
Cortar as fatias de brioche ao meio, dispor
num prato de servir. Finalizar com a maçã e o maple syrup e polvilhar com
açúcar em pó.
Servir imediatamente.
with stewed apple on whiskey-orange infused maple syrup
2 thick brioche slices (recipe here)
1/3 cup flour
1/2 cup milk
1 tbsp sugar
1 egg
ground vanilla and nutmeg
1 big apple, cored, peeled and chunked
60ml maple syrup
30ml whiskey
1 tbsp vintage orange marmalade
confectioners' sugar
Beat well all the batter ingredients: flour, milk, sugar, egg, vanilla and nutmeg.
Soak the brioche slices in the mixture, coating both sides well.
In a bowl, stir together the maple syrup, whiskey and orange marmalade.
Heat two frying pans over medium-high heat and let a chunk of butter melt over each of them.
Place the apple in one of them, letting it cook well.
Remove the bread slices from the batter, avoiding any excessive liquid. Fry them one at the time in the frying pan, about 1-2 minutes each side.
Meanwhile, keep an eye on the apple. As it softens, add a spoonful of the maple syrup mixture and stir it in. Let cook and caramelize for a bit. Reduce the heat and add the remaining syrup, letting it heat and thicken for a bit without reaching a boil (or reaching a boil to eliminate any alcohol content).
Halve the brioche slices, place on a serving plate. Top with the apple and syrup and dust with confectioners' sugar.
Serve immediately.
this delicious post goes to my beloved middle brother, for who I would bake brioche bread and make them french toasts every-single-day (or pretty much anything). i can't be sitting next to him tonight, but i can promise him one of these as soon as i come back.
it's his birthday today ♥
sweet friday dreams!
Que delícia!
ReplyDeleteTem um aspecto maravilhoso, até fiquei com água na boca
ReplyDeleteBom fim de semana
Nas primeiras fotos engana, ao perto vê-se bem a delicia!! Essas maçãs...que combinação deliciosa!
Diogo Marques
Blog: A culpa é das bolachas! | Facebook | Instagram
Que rica interpretação da frensh toast! Amei.
ReplyDeleteNa minha casa chamamos-lhes fatias paridas :)