I am not gluten nor dairy intolerant. I do have a couple of friends who are, to who I would like to whip up a batch of these right now, but unfortunately they live thousands of kilometers away. Nevertheless, I made these just for myself. You know, I like experimenting with new ingredients, I'm captivated by risk and fascinated by those deliberated walks on the wire of life where one can either go terribly wrong... or incredibly well. So I just decided to throw all caution out of the window (together with the gluten and the buttermilk) and turn my entire pancake recipe upside down, without having tried buckwheat flour a single time in my whole life.
Oh well, who cares if I'm starving for breakfast at three pm in the end?
I was way too sure it was going to work exactly as I wanted it to.
To be honest, I've been having a ball in the kitchen over the past weeks. New and irreverent ideas have been flowing, they have luckily been turning out quite nicely and, overall, I'm motivated.
I don't know where I got this idea from, but I had it perfectly pictured in my mind - the exact texture and flavour they would be. Flavours are a bit like hues, so I guess I could compare mentally mixing them with mixing paint, or being able to read how to correct the white balance in photoshop. The more you practice, the easier it gets.
I wanted to fully revamp my go-to pancake recipe, as to achieve a healthier but still stunner pancake. It would be healthier, but still delicious. No more white flour, away with the milk and butter, and let's cut back on the white sugar too.
The result is pretty awesome.
panquecas de trigo sarraceno, flocos de aveia e buttermilk de côco com banana.
com calda agridoce de cerejas morello.
(por pessoa)
1/2 chávena de farinha integral de trigo
1/4 de chávena de flocos de aveia, desfeitos
ligeiramente utilizando os dedos
1/2 colher de sopa de açúcar branco
1/2 colher de sopa de açúcar mascavado
1/4 de colher de chá de fermento
1/4 de colher de chá de bicarbonato de sódio
uma pitada de sal
uma pitada de canela, noz moscada e vagem de
baunilha moídas
1/3 de chávena de leite de côco com 10% de
1/2 colher de sopa de sumo de limão
1/2 colher de sopa de azeite
1/2 banana
1/2 ovo, separado
calda agridoce de cerejas morello:
3 colheres de sopa de cerejas morello de
150ml da calda das cerejas de frasco
75ml de água
1 colher de sopa de sumo de limão
1 colher de sopa de açúcar branco
1 colher de sopa rasa de farinha maizena
Começar por preparar a calda de cerejas:
misturar todos os ingredientes e levar a lume brando, mexendo de vez em quando,
até obter a consistência desejada, enquanto se prepara as panquecas. Manter
sempre morno-quente e se necessário juntar, à vez, mais uma colher de sopa de
água durante o processo.
Num copo, juntar o leite de côco e o sumo de
limão e deixar repousar cerca de 5-10 min.
À parte, preparar a meia clara, batendo-a em
castelo com uma pitada de sal.
Numa taça grande, misturar bem todos os
ingredientes secos: farinha de trigo sarraceno, a aveia desfeita, os açúcares,
o fermento, o bicarbonato, o sal e as especiarias.
Noutra taça, bater com um fouet a meia gema, o
leite de côco coalhado e o azeite.
Incorporar os ingredientes líquidos nos
sólidos. Juntar a banana cortada em cubos bem pequenos e misturar bem. Por fim,
incorporar cuidadosamente a meia clara em castelo.
Levar uma frigideira ao lume untada com
azeite, deixar aquecer bem.
Reduzir um pouco o lume, até ficar a uma
temperatura confortável para fazer as panquecas sem queimar (embora elas não
queimem muito facilmente). Com uma concha da sopa, deitar uma colherada de
massa no centro, ajudar a espalhar muito ligeiramente (deve ficar bem alta) e
deixar cozinhar cerca de 1-2 minutos de cada lado.
Empilhar sobre um prato de servir à medida que
ficam prontas, mantendo este dentro do forno aquecido na temperatura mínima ou
sobre um bico do fogão morno.
Servir polvilhadas com açúcar em pó e com uma colherada de merengue ou natas
batidas aromatizadas com baunilha no topo, com a calda de cerejas morello ao
with sweet and sour morello cherry sauce.
(each serving)
1/2 cup wholewheat buckwheat flour
1/4 cup rolled oats, slightly shredded
1/2 tbsp white sugar
1/2 tbsp brown sugar
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
a pinch of salt
a pinch of ground cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla bean
1/3 cup 10% fat coconut milk
1/2 tbsp lemon juice
1/2 tbsp olive oil
1/2 banana
1/2 egg, separated
sweet and sour morello cherry sauce:
3 tbsp morello cherries, from a jar
150ml morello cherry juice, from the jar
75ml water
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp white sugar
1 scant tbsp cornstarch
Start with the cherry sauce: mix all ingredients and take it to a simmer over low heat, stirring once in a while, until reaching the desired thickness, while preparing the pancakes. Keep it warm and add a tablespoon of water meanwhile, when needed.
Pour the coconut milk and the lemon juice into a cup and let it sit for about 5-10 min.
In a second cup, beat the half egg white with a pinch of salt until stiff peaks form.
In a big bowl, mix all solid ingredients: flour, oatmeal, sugars, baking powder and soda, salt and spices.
In a second bowl, mix well the half egg yolk, coconut milk and olive oil.
Mix the liquid ingredients into the solids. Stir in the banana, chopped down to small cubes. Carefully incorporate the egg white.
Heat a pan, previously greased with olive oil, over high heat.
Reduce the heat to a more comfortable level to cook the pancakes without burning (although they stand the heat quite well). Using a big spoon or a small mug, place a scoop of batter in the center, help it spreading just a bit (it must remain quite tall) and let each side cook for about 1-2 minutes.
Place the prepared pancakes on a dish, which should remain in a warm oven or over a warm surface/steam.
Dust with confectioners' sugar, top with a dollop of vanilla infused meringue or whipped cream and serve with the cherry sauce on the side.
Behold the result!
wish you a great week!
What a wonderful dessert to accompany the title! I'll definitely think opposite after trying this delicacy :)
ReplyDeleteQue belas panquecas! Estão tão convidativas....Mais uma bela ideia para o pequeno-almoço :)
Gostei mesmo muito destas panquecas, bem altas e fôfas. Além de me agradarem bastante os ingredientes envolvidos. :)
ReplyDeleteNunca usei farinha de trigo sarraceno mas acho que com farinha de aveia devem ficar igualmente boas.
Vamos lá experimentar.
These pancakes sound like breakfast perfection! I am the same way, not gluten or dairy intolerant, but I so love experimenting with things I just can't help but make gluten and dairy free things sometimes. Buckwheat is actually one of my favorite additions to pancakes, I think it adds a wonderful nuttiness. And I love that you compared mixing flavors to mixing colors -- if these pancakes were a painting, they'd be a masterpiece!
ReplyDeleteOlá Inês, vejo que já foste convencida pelas panquecas de banana e aveia! Estas tuas panquecas ficaram mesmo apetitosas, altas e fofinhas! Lindas!
ReplyDeleteUi, que apetecia ter uma dessas para o pequeno-almoço de amanhã!
Que lindas Inês!
ReplyDeleteEstão deslumbrantes as tuas panquecas! Apetece ir fazê-las! eheh
Não conheço farinha de trigo sarraceno mas fiquei curiosa :)
Um beijinho
Flocos de aveia!! Ora aqui está uma receita deliciosa para dar uso àquela aveia toda que tenho ali na despensa! Nunca consegui perceber bem como a cozinhar, mas esta receita vai ser já impressa e colocada no frigorífico para testar amanhã ao petit dejeuner! Obrigada pela partilha!
ReplyDeleteSara Cabido | Little Tiny Pieces of Me