
happy third!

{ snickers 'klimt' pie }

Cheers! So it's been three years since I finally decided this thing was for real, threw all my fears and doubts out of the window, ignored all the discouraging voices around me and started working my ass off on improving. Not that it was that hard - there's nothing I'll take more gladly than a good challenge and holding an adventurous journey against all odds definitely thrills me.

I am absolutely amazed at how I have managed to hold on to this page, which feels, in a way, as much of a home as every other place I could once call mine. I have a clue, though, about how I was able to do it. I have to thank it all to my family, especially my brothers, to all of you who visit this page and keep on spoiling me with sweet comments, but, on top of all, to all the amazing people I have met along this 'between kitchens' journey - and that I am now lucky to call friends. To all my awesome friends around the world, to my family and to my followers, I here state my most deep gratitude. None of this would have been possible without each one of you! 

Not all that is gold glitters, or do you? ;)

Friends have also inspired this tart a little bit. Maybe you'll think I'm crazy, but I think of my friends and family very often while cooking and baking - even its just for myself, or if I'm not going to share whatever I'm preparing with them. I know who likes cheesecake over all desserts, who likes savoury over sweet, who dreams of lemon meringue pie, who smiles at the mention of salted caramel, who can't stand cooked fruit, who hates cinnamon or cilantro, who will cringe at the taste of garlic, who leaves the pie crust aside and who won't eat peppers or even peas. I know who loves spicy food and who does not, who likes it all simple and who gets impressed with a fancy presentation. I know who likes snickers or after eight, who doesn't eat chocolate at all, who always asks where the meat is, who says they won't eat fish and still asks for seconds and who understands my obsession with making food look pretty. I know them, and I think of them when I am making something I think they would like. They don't know this, but I often do.

Well, now you're wondering... who did I think of while making this tart? Or even... was it inspired by someone?

Yes, indeed, some things I make take a little inspiration from people I know. As I've said before, inspiration comes to me in the most unexpected ways. And, as it couldn't be any other way, people are a part of it. In the end, all different sorts of vibes gather together in a single (or, more often than not, several) idea(s)... that's what I like about this thinking/feeling process.

But I'm not disclosing it,

I hope they will know :)

tarte klimt
ou uma barra de snickers armada em chique

(base de tarte de brownie)
225 de farinha
25g de cacau em pó
125g de manteiga à temperatura ambiente
85g a 100g de açúcar
2 ovos

120g de amendoins descascados , levados a dourar no forno

(caramelo salgado) 
100ml de natas com 30% de gordura
100ml de creme fraîche
180g de açúcar
70ml de água
150ml de golden syrup
30g de manteiga
sal grosso a gosto (cerca de meia colher de chá rasa)

80g de chocolate negro com 70% de cacau
15g de manteiga
pó dourado comestível

Para a base de tarte de brownie, misturar a farinha, o cacau e o açúcar. Juntar a manteiga em pedaços pequenos e amassar tudo até obter uma mistura homogénea. Juntar os ovos e amassar até bem incorporado. Espalhar numa forma de tarte rectangular de fundo amovível bem untada com manteiga, cobrindo o fundo e os lados, e levar ao frigorífico cerca de 10 minutos. Levar ao forno pré-aquecido a 180ºC cerca de 12 minutos.

Remover do forno, esculpir o interior ligeiramente se necessário para acomodar melhor o caramelo. Deixar arrefecer e espalhar os amendoins no interior.

Para o caramelo, ferver as natas com o creme fraîche e reservar. Noutro recipiente, levar ao lume o açúcar com a água até levantar fervura. Reduzir o lume, juntar o golden syrup, mexer bem até dissolver e deixar reduzir cerca de 10 minutos. Juntar primeiro a manteiga, mexendo até dissolver, e depois as natas, mexendo sempre. Levar novamente ao lume e deixar borbulhar até atingir os 117º-118ºC, juntando por fim o sal a gosto. A mistura deve ficar bem espessa, mas escorrer com alguma facilidade. Espalhar sobre os amendoins até atingir o limite do contorno da base e deixar arrefecer e solidificar cerca de 2 a 3h.

Para a cobertura, derreter o chocolate com a manteiga em banho-maria. Cobrir a camada de caramelo com este, com a ajuda de uma espátula, e por fim polvilhar com o glitter dourado com a ajuda de uma peneira fina. Utilizando um palito ou um fio de esparguete seco, desenhar um padrão aleatório. Deixar solidificar completamente antes de desenformar, cortar e servir.


the klimt tart
or a snickers bar gone fancy

(brownie pie crust)
225 flour
25g cocoa powder
125g butter, room temperature
85g to 100g sugar
2 eggs

120g oven roasted peanuts

(salted caramel) 
100ml heavy cream, 30% fat
100ml creme fraîche
180g sugar
70ml water
150ml golden syrup
30g butter
sea salt to taste (about a scant half tsp)

80g dark chocolate, 70% cocoa
15g butter
edible golden glitter

For the brownie crust, mix flour, sugar and cocoa. Blend in the butter until homogeneous. Add the eggs and knead just until well mixed. Spread on the bottom and sides of a rectangular shaped pie pan, generously greased with butter, and refrigerate for about 10 min while pre-heating the oven. Bake at 180ºC for about 12 min. Remove from oven, adjust the interior, removing any excessive part of the cake in the middle if necessary, so that the caramel has a bed. Let cool and spread the peanuts inside.

For the caramel, boil the cream with the creme fraîche and set aside. In a second pan, take the water and sugar to a boil. Reduce the heat, stir in the golden syrup and let simmer for about 10 minutes. Stir in the butter until well dissolved, and then repeat with the cream. Return it to medium-high heat and let it boil until it reaches 117ºC-118ºC, finally stirring in the salt. The caramel must be quite thick but still flow. Spread over the peanuts until it reaching the edge of the pie and let cool for about 2 to 3 hours.

For the chocolate varnish, melt the chocolate with butter over a pot of simmering water. Using a spatula, cover the caramel layer. Using a fine-mesh sieve, dust with the golden glitter. Finally, using a toothpick or a stick of spaghetti, draw an aleatory pattern on the top.
Let cool before slicing and serving.


Thank you for being there!
Hoping for an alluring fouth year,



  1. Ai meu Deus... agora vou andar a remoer-me interiormente até fazer esta coisa maravilhosa e decadente e que tem TÃO bom aspecto!
    Parabéns pelo blog - adoro tudo o que fazes por aqui :) Inspiras-me muito! Continua! Beijinho
    Teresa | A Cozinha da Ovelha Negra

  2. Inês, congratulations on blogging so successfully for a good three years - always such a delight to come over here for a visit and marble at all your lovely and sweet creations - fancy name for a fancy tart and some gold - who could ask for more?!
    Here is to many more years of happy blogging! I shall be along for the ride!!!
    Liebe Grüße nach München - es soll eine schöne, warme Frühlings-Woche werden,

  3. Muitos parabéns por estes três anos, Inês! Adoro estas tuas criações. Essa tarte ficou fantástica, decadente e glamorosa, tudo o que uma tarte ou uma sobremesa deve ser, e completamente indicada para uma celebração.

  4. Muitos parabéns, Inês! O teu blog é maravilhoso, e acredito que sendo tu uma jovem tão talentosa e inspirada, nem te foi assim tão dificil esta tarefa de o criar, fazer crescer e de o sentir, como dizes, a tua casa!
    Beijinhos e boas receitas!

  5. Parabéns Inês, gosto muito de passar por esta cozinha! :)

    Carla (Tarte de Limão)

  6. Antes de mais, parabéns pelos três anos, espero que o Between continue a existir pelo menos por mais seis!!
    Em relação à tarte.. espera receber fotos este fim de semana com uma réplica da mesma, ando a namorar este post desde que saiu e estou muito muito tentada a ficar gorda no fim de semana!
    Obrigada pelas sugestões e continua a cozinhar assim :)


  7. Que sobremesa perfeita!!! :) fiquei com vontade de fazer mas parece complicadito :p

    parabéns pelos 3 anos! Já sabes que adoro o teu blog e é a minha grande fonte de inspiração culinária! ^^

