I am a firm believer that detox does not necessarily have to mean no-bake.
So if you are looking for a healthier breakfast that:
~ has all the appeal of its regular counterpart ~
~ is packed with flavour ~
~ is gluten-free, vegan and has no refined sugar ~
~ makes the perfect quick fix for any lazy weekend bread cravings ~
this variation on the traditional scones is all you've been looking for.
Being a food blogger can get rough sometimes, at least to me. When I am on a creative stream, I cannot hold myself: I want to try every other new recipe or ingredient, I shop for (expensive) ingredients more that usual, I bake and cook a lot, I instinctively put more effort into things in the kitchen... and I end up getting tired of eating all together. I still want to bake and cook, but I can't take anything which is too sweet, or too fatty, ot too heavy in some sort of way. That's why I come up with recipes like this.
These scones are absolutely delicious. I created this recipe from scratch and I was not entirely sure of how it would turn out, but I got thrilled by the result! A little bit more cakey and moist than the regular ones, infused with the nutty aroma of buckwheat flour and crummed with blueberries - at 0 grams of butter, no white flour and 100% crumb and flavour, they are all your diet might be asking for ;)
These scones are absolutely delicious. I created this recipe from scratch and I was not entirely sure of how it would turn out, but I got thrilled by the result! A little bit more cakey and moist than the regular ones, infused with the nutty aroma of buckwheat flour and crummed with blueberries - at 0 grams of butter, no white flour and 100% crumb and flavour, they are all your diet might be asking for ;)
scones de mirtilho detox,
com trigo sarraceno, buttermilk de soja e xarope de agave
para fins de semana de preguiçosa ressaca de doces.
(por porção)
80g de farinha de trigo sarraceno
1/2 colher de chá de fermento
1/4 de colher de chá de bicarbonato de sódio
1 pitada de sal
2 colheres de sopa de iogurte de soja de
1/2 colher de sopa de azeite
1/2 colher de sopa de xarope de agave
40ml de leite de soja
1 colher de chá de sumo de limão
1 mão cheia de mirtilhos
- spread de abacate e sementes -
1/2 abacate
mistura de sementes de abóbora, pinhão e girassol
umas gotas de sumo de limão
Numa chávena, juntar o leite de soja e o sumo
de limão e deixar repousar cerca de 10 minutos.
Pré-aquecer o forno a 200ºC. Forrar um tabuleiro de forno com papel vegetal e
pincelar ligeiramente com óleo ou azeite.
Numa taça, misturar a farinha, o fermento, o bicarbonato de sódio e o sal.
Incorporar o iogurte, o azeite, o agave e o o leite de soja coalhado. Se a
mistura ficar demasiado pegajosa, juntar um pouco mais de farinha. Por fim,
incorporar cuidadosamente os mirtilhos.
Utilizando duas colheres (processo semelhante
ao dos bolinhos de bacalhau), formar bolas de massa a partir da mistura, para
obter quatro scones de tamanho semelhante. Colocar os scones sobre o tabuleiro
e levar ao forno cerca de 10-12 minutos, ou até estarem dourados.
Para o spread, desfazer completamente a polpa de abacate, temperar com limão e
sal e incorporar as sementes.
Servir imediatamente com o spread de abacate e um doce de morango de boa qualidade.
detox blueberry scones,
with buckwheat flour, soy buttermilk and agave syrup
for lazy weekends of sugar hangover.
(each serving)
80g buckwheat flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp soda bicarbonate
a pinch of salt
2 tbsp soy yoghurt, vanilla flavour
1/2 tbsp olive oil
1/2 tbsp agave syrup
40ml soy milk
1 tsp lemon juice
a handful of fresh blueberries
- avocado-seeds spread -
1/2 avocado
mixed seeds: pumpkin, pine, sunflower
some drops of lemon juice
In a cup, mix soy milk and lemon juice. Let rest for about 10 min.
Pre-heat oven to 200ºC. Line a baking tray with parchment paper and lightly brush it with oil.
In a bowl, mix flour, baking powder, bicarbonate and salt. Mix in the yogurt, olive oil, agave and curdled soy milk. If the mixture remains too sticky, add some more flour. Carefully fold in the blueberries.
Using two spoons, shape large dollops of batter to obtain four even scones. Place them over the tray and bake for about 10 to 12 minutes, or until golden.
For the spread, mash the avocado, season with lemon and salt and stir in the seeds.
Serve warm with the avocado spread and some good quality strawberry juice.
wish you all a great week!
Estão tão lindos os teus ícones Inês :)
Devem ser mesmo bons!
Óptimos para comer sem culpa num fim-de-semana dos bons!
Vou guardar a receita.
Um beijinho
These are gorgeous! I would never have guessed they were so good for me, too. WIN/WIN!
ReplyDeleteOMG que bom aspecto!! E que vontade de comer um! (ou dois ou cinco! :p)
Wow, these scones look so good...I love that it is gluten free...and loaded with blueberries...super delicious!
ReplyDeleteHave a great rest of the week Ines :)