
bite sized frosted babies with golden sparkles.

{ gluten-free vegan devil's food mini cupcakes }

How could one guess these decadent looking tiny beauties would hide such a secret under their golden shimmer? They are healthy, packed with good stuff, vegan, gluten-free and not any less delicious than their regular counterpart! Wanna bake something you can eat without any bit of guilt yet still looks sexy and sinful as heck? This is it!

At the dawn of the last century, modernist architect Mies van de Rohe coined the saying 'less is more.' A couple of decades later, post-modernist architect Venturi came around, claiming that 'less is a bore.' Not much later, some other guy - not sure, but I'ld risk Warhol - came about stating that, after all, 'more is more.' You may ask... after all, who was right? I ask... who's side would you take?

I say they were all wrong... and they were all right at the same time!
In some cases, 'less is more'. In some other, 'less is a bore.' And there are other times when 'more is more.'

Let's take these cupcakes, for instance. These tiny beautiful things I can barely believe my hands were able to whip up. They are the perfect example to illustrate such a situation, where all these sayings coexist without necessarily clashing with one another. Let's see...
In the first place, 'more is more', because packing them with loads of good stuff, frosting them and decorating them is a load of thought and trouble to go into, yet it is definitely worth it.
In the second place, 'less is more', as sizing them down to 'a bite' means three times more: you get more of them; they are much more special, delicate and tempting; and you can eat more of them.
Last but not least, 'less is a bore', because when you run out of them you'll be really bored!

And fear not, my friends, they are all sorts of free: no gluten, no lactose, no animal products, no tricky ingredients. Plus they have all sorts of trendy healthy stuff you could ever ask for: coconut oil, olive oil, avocado, dark cocoa, maple syrup... And what matters the most, they are downright gorgeous, they will make you feel like Queen B - as in 'baker', though, or King, if you'ld prefer, - as you bake them, they are oh-so-pretty to look at, they are tasty and they can easily be your easy-peasy wannabe homemade version of Marie Antoinette's luscious Ladurée pastries. Wanna know the best part? They are own bowl, they take 15 minutes to prepare, 7 minutes in the oven and another 15 minutes to frost. I give it all to you on a silver platter!

mini cupcakes 'devil's food',
vegan e sem glúten.

(para 50 mini-cupcakes)
1/2 chávena de farinha sem glúten
1 colher de sopa de farinha de trigo sarraceno
1/2 chávena de açúcar
1/4 de chávena de cacau
1/2 colher de chá de bicarbonato de sódio
1 colher de chá de fermento
1/2 chávena de café morno
2 colheres de sopa de azeite
1 colher de sopa de óleo de côco
1 colher de sopa de vinagre
1 ovo

(frosting e decoração)
1 abacate maduro
2 colheres de sopa de cacau
1 colher de sopa de sumo de limão
1 colher de sopa de geleia de laranja
3 colheres de sopa de maple syrup
2 colheres de sopa de açúcar em pó
glitter dourado comestível

Pré-aquecer o forno a 180º. Distribuir forminhas de papel com o tamanho adequado dentro das cavidades de dois tabuleiros de mini-cupcakes.
Numa taça grande, misturar todos os ingredientes secos para o bolo. Juntar os ingredientes líquidos, terminando com o ovo separadamente, batendo bem.
Distribuir a massa pelas forminhas, enchendo-as até metade da altura, e levar ao forno cerca de 7 minutos, um tabuleiro de cada vez.
Preparar o frosting: processar todos os ingredientes com uma varinha mágica ou um robôt de cozinha até obter um creme espesso.
Deixar arrefecer os cupcakes completamente. Fazer uma pequena cavidade no centro de cada um com a ajuda de uma faca.
Encher um saco de pasteleiro com ponta fina com o frosting e rechear e decorar os cupcakes.
Decorar com o glitter em pó, espalhando-o sobre os cupcakes utilizando uma bola para infusões.
Servir imediatamente. O abacate tende a oxidar e a ganhar um sabor menos bom, pelo que após decorados, os cupcakes devem ser consumidos no mesmo dia.


devil's food mini cupcakes,
gluten-free and vegan.

(makes 50 mini cupcakes)
1/2 cup gluten-free flour
1 tbsp buckwheat flour
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup cocoa
1/2 cup baking soda
1 tbsp baking powder
1/2 cup lukewarm coffee
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp coconut oil
1 tbsp vinegar
1 egg

(frosting and decoration)
1 ripe avocado
2 tbsp cocoa
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp clear orange marmalade
3 tbsp maple syrup
2 tbsp powdered sugar
golden glitter

Pre-heat oven at 180ºC. Get two mini-cupcake baking tray and line it with small-sized liners.
Into a big bowl, sift all dry ingredients for the cakes. Mix in liquid ingredients, sepparately adding the egg at last. Beat well.
Pour the batter into the liners until reaching half the height and bake for about 7 minutes, one tray at a time.
Prepare frosting: blend all ingredients until creamy and thick.
Let the cupcakes cool completely. Using a knive, make a small hole in the center of each.
Fill a piping bag with the frosting. Fill and frost the cupcakes.
Decorate with the glitter, using a tea infuser ball. Eat promptly. Avocados oxidate and have the tendency to get a lousy flavour rather quickly, hence I reccomend making the frosting the same day they are going to be eaten.


i'm heading to THE VACCINES tomorrow!! sorry - couldn't help it!
have a delicious week!

loads of love



  1. Tudo é que mini tem o seu encanto
    Ficaram lindos e tem um aspecto super guloso, apetece mesmo comer....
    Boa semana

  2. Fotos maravilhosas, receita perfeita, adorei o passo a passo!

    Beijinhos! ♥

  3. Que cupcakes tão amorosos. Assim pequeninos ficam com um aspecto tão delicado :)
    Adorei o frosting com abacate, deve ficar tão bom!

    Ana Costa || <a href="http://petiscana.blogspot.pt>Petiscana</a>
