
Coffee & Milk

{ cafe latte cake }

This cake makes the perfect mid-afternoon snack to go with a cup of tea... or coffee - since you're already preparing it for baking! It's simple, easy and comforting.

(This post was edited on the 12th of June, 2015. Only the top text was added)

Andava eu a cirandar nos meus blogs de cozinha preferidos, quando encontrei um bolinho muito interessante, no blog http://paracozinhar.blogspot.pt/. Gosto imenso das receitas da Joana Roque, e tenho uma série delas na minha lista de receitas a experimentar. Esta pôs-me de tal forma curiosa que não podia esperar mais. Apetecia-me mesmo um bolo assim e saiu exactamente como estava a pensar, delicioso!


I like to wander through my favourite cooking blogs, it makes me relax. This was how I found out this cake, that made me curious about it the second I saw it. I knew it would turn out right, because I love the recipes from the http://paracozinhar.blogspot.pt/ writer. I had to try it soon: I was feeling blue and with a desire for baking... this cake was truly rewarding.


bolo de meia-de-leite.
para acompanhar o café.

2 chávenas de farinha
1 chávena de açúcar
3 ovos médios
1 chávena de meia-de-leite
1 colher de chá de fermento
1 colher de chá de canela
uma dúzia de nozes, grosseiramente picadas

Pré-aquecer o forno a 180ºC.
Bater os ovos com o açúcar. Incorporar a meia de leite. Juntar a farinha peneirada, o fermento e a canela e misturar cuidadosamente, até obter uma massa lisa e homogénea. Juntar por fim as nozes.
Verter a massa para uma forma de bolo inglês bem untada e levar ao forno cerca de 45 minutos.
Desenformar e servir morno.


cafe latte cake.
to go with your mid-afternoon cup of coffee.

2 cups flour
1 cup sugar
3 eggs, medium-sized
1 cup latte macchiato
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon
a dozen coarsely chopped walnuts

Pre-heat oven at 180ºC.
Cream eggs with sugar. Mix in the latte. Carefully fold in the sifted flour, yeast and cinnamon, until reaching a smooth batter. Fold in the walnuts.
Pour into a generously greased english cake pan and bake for about 45 minutes.
Unmould and serve warm.


  1. passaram duas horas e mais de metade do bolo já foi!
    it's been two hours and more than half of the cake is already gone!

  2. The greatest bread-cake of all time. Or cake-bread... your call XD

  3. pão pão queijo queijo
